Bailey Black Other | The Lost Darling — Bailey Black | Color: Black | Size: Paperback

Second Star To The Left And Continue Until Morning. I Got That Line Tattooed On My Wrist The Day I Turned Twenty-One. So Much Symbolism In Such A Simple Sentence. At The Time, It Was A Nod To The Future And The Infinite Possibilities To Come, While Reminding Me To Remember The Past And To Look For Magic In The World. Growing Up, Nothing Was Ever What It Seemed. The Shift Of Leaves On A Tree Was A Faery Skipping By. Shooting Stars Were A Chance To Make Wishes. Shadows Were Souls Stuck Between This World And The Next, Mirroring A Life They Once Had. My Imagination Was Limitless, The World A Wonderful Adventure Waiting To Unfold. It’s Easy To Lose That Sense Of Wonder Wi
#Bailey #Black #Lost #Darling #Bailey #Black #Color #Black #Size #Paperback

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