Amusing ‘lost and found’ signs that made us look twice

We don’t have the exact data on when the concept of the lost and found poster was created, but it was probably as soon as mankind learned to communicate in writing. We can see it now. Ugg the cave dweller creates a cave painting to let the rest of his tribe know he lost his favorite club. It’s now 2019, and while most of us no longer lose our clubs (we showcase them in cabinets, obviously), these posters are no less relevant.In the pages to follow, you’ll find the best of the best in lost/found posters. Some will make you laugh, while others will make you cry. Others still will just make you really confused – and kind of afraid. But that’s really what lost/found posters are all about, aren’t they? They encapsulate and distill the human experience down to its most basic elements, leaving us in the same state Ugg was in – angry, and a little bewildered.
#Amusing #lost #signs

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