Chinese Character Fun: “Up”, “Above” = 上 (Shàng) – Miss Panda Chinese – Mandarin Chinese for Children

Miss Panda’s Chinese Character Series featured Chinese character: 上 (shàng) This word means “up”, “above”; “to go/come up”. We can use 上 shàng in the following phrases: 上車 – shàng chē = to get in the car 上床 – shàng chuáng = to get in bed/to go to sleep 上樓 – shàng lóu = to go upstairs 上學 – shàng xué = to go to school 上衣 – shàng yī = (clothing) top Click below to
#Chinese #Character #Fun #上 #Shàng #Panda #Chinese #Mandarin #Chinese #Children

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