Debuting This Weekend at Dragon Con: Figment!

If you follow me on Instagram (which I’ve only started using again the past few weeks) you may have seen some imaginative works-in-progress lately. John and I started this project almost exactly two months ago, and it’s been a long road of trying new techniques and tools, but in the end, I really couldn’t be happier. Introducing… Figment: He is completely handmade from scratch, from the tips of his split tail to his hand-embroidered sweater. I’ll be posting a complete build break-down and plenty of process photos next week, so watch for that if you’re curious how we did it all. For you non-DizGeeks, here’s one of the many vintage reference photos we used of the original Figment: We’re scrambling to finish Figment’s two tiny wings today, but I wanted to get some decent photos before our daily deluge began. (So. Much. Rain!) For now, here’s his wing-less back view: That stand John built is a work of genius, and I plan to paint it brass & have red velvet padding on the foot and tail bar. Because, oh yes, Figment WILL be on display in our home after DCon. Speaking of which, John plans to step out as Dreamfinder with his not-so-little friend here on Saturday at Dragon Con, so watch for him then if you’d like a photo with the two cutest guys at the con. 😉
#Debuting #Weekend #Dragon #Con #Figment

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