Sacred Geometry and Their Meanings

Sacred geometry. Science? Mystery? A little of both? Sacred geometry are the building blocks of the world we live in, they are the foundation of our Universe. From the fibonacci sequence, the golden mean, pyramids, to fractals….it can all seem so complex and amazing. As I was creating my Flower of Life pendant, it brought me deeper into the beauty and grace of sacred geometry. I was always drawn to it, but why? From the basic cells in our bodies to the complex structures of the universe, these mathematical principles apply. I wanted to cover some of the most popular sacred geometry in this article so that you can explore them as well! The Flower of Life This beautiful pattern is a universal symbol found just about everywhere and associated with many different beliefs and cultures. Inside the very design is a dot, symbolizing “the beginning” and from many circles spiraling outward other patterns and designs are also created. From this Flower of Life we can also see the “seed”, “egg” and “fruit” of life which are variations on this pattern. Inside the Flower of Life you can also see Metatron’s cube, a merkaba, fibonacci sequence and more! It is even said that there is a kind of Akashic record associated with it! Like a shorthand of Cosmic memory. Metatron’s Cube This is another sacred geometrical pattern with so much richness! Mythically, Metatron was originally human but was transformed to an archangel. He was believed to be the communicator between the heavenly realm and humans. Interestingly, the word “Metator
#Sacred #Geometry #Meanings

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