Woman Wreaks Petty Revenge On Fellow Theatergoer After Continuously Getting Elbowed During The Show

Woman Wreaks Petty Revenge On Fellow Theatergoer After Continuously Getting Elbowed During The Show

This internet user took to one of Reddit’s most vengeful communities to tell its members a tale about how she managed to put a ‘rude’ elbow-jabber back in his place.#Woman #Wreaks #Petty #Revenge #Fellow #Theatergoer #Continuously #Elbowed #Show

Woman Wreaks Petty Revenge On Fellow Theatergoer After Continuously Getting Elbowed During The Show

Woman Wreaks Petty Revenge On Fellow Theatergoer After Continuously Getting Elbowed During The Show

This internet user took to one of Reddit’s most vengeful communities to tell its members a tale about how she managed to put a ‘rude’ elbow-jabber back in his place.#Woman #Wreaks #Petty #Revenge #Fellow #Theatergoer #Continuously #Elbowed #Show