Narcissists DON’T Have Affairs For Sexual Gratification

Narcissists DON’T Have Affairs For Sexual Gratification

It’s true that not all narcissists have affairs. But I’m willing to bet a high proportion do. I’ve heard many stories of narcissists being serial cheaters. And I’ve been on the receiving end myself. So, what makes narcissists cheat? When caught, narcissists usually blame their partners. And pick out imperfections to justify it. And their#Narcissists … Read more

Person Asks “What Should Go In The Fridge That People Don’t Realize Should Go In The Fridge?”, Gets

Person Asks “What Should Go In The Fridge That People Don’t Realize Should Go In The Fridge?”, Gets

Do you know what the most frequently used word is in the script of the Home Alone movie – which, by the way, was released exactly thirty-three years ago? ‘Fridge!’ Yes, that’s right – Joe Pesci’s character constantly utters this word when he falls into yet another trap from little Kevin McAllister – after all, … Read more

Don’t stress.

Don’t stress.

During my first tattoo, my tattooist said he’d had a lot of girls cry and hyperventilate during their firsts — before the needle even went in! Panicking will only ruin the experience, which should make a good memory, so take a deep breath, prepare for a little pinch and a little scratch, and know that … Read more