Spectacular Fans of Feathers Define the Vogelkop Superb Bird-of-Paradise Courtship Ritual — Colossal

Spectacular Fans of Feathers Define the Vogelkop Superb Bird-of-Paradise Courtship Ritual — Colossal

This short video from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology documents the spectacular plumage and mating dance of the Vogelkop Superb Bird-of-Paradise. In order to catch the attention of its female counterpart, the male Bird-of-Paradise flips its cape of black feathers into a large ruff that surrounds its head, while also fanning out an iridescent azure … Read more

The Weirdest, Most Wonderful Celebrity Encounters, Told By Fans

The Weirdest, Most Wonderful Celebrity Encounters, Told By Fans

We all know the saying, “never meet your heroes”. It’s often thought that celebrities have pretty different personas in real life compared to their stage personas.When you have admired someone on the screen or stage for many years, it’s pretty unlikely they will live up to your expectations when meeting them in the flesh, right?Wrong. … Read more