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Peregrine falcon in flight – falco peregrinus (the fastest flying bird in the world, up to 250mph – wow) Peregrine falcons can focus on two objects at the same time, also they effectively see in slow motion, which enables them to catch their prey so well. – a photo on Flickriver

Peregrine falcon in flight – falco peregrinus (the fastest flying bird in the world, up to 250mph – wow) Peregrine falcons can focus on two objects at the same time, also they effectively see in slow motion, which enables them to catch their prey so well. – a photo on Flickriver

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Certainly! When it comes to home decor ideas for apartments, it’s important to focus on creating a c

Certainly! When it comes to home decor ideas for apartments, it’s important to focus on creating a c

They say looks matter. Despite what some naysayers might say, that makes a lot of sense for when, say, you’re going into a job interview or going out dating. Well, the same goes for houses.#Certainly #home #decor #ideas #apartments #important #focus #creating