These Are Probably the Funniest Airport Welcome Signs Ever

These Are Probably the Funniest Airport Welcome Signs Ever

It’s an iconic situation which we’ve seen in countless movies: A person lands at an airport. They’ve had a long flight and now they’re finally home. They gingerly step into the arrivals hall, dazed, their legs cramped and backs sore, dragging along their luggage, and scan the hall for a friendly face.Suddenly, there, their long-missed … Read more

The Funniest Messages Left on Windshields of Terrible Parkers

The Funniest Messages Left on Windshields of Terrible Parkers

We’ve all had the urge to lash out about someone we think is terribly inconsiderate, whether we actually do it or let it slide for whatever reason.Sometimes, though, we don’t have an opportunity to come face to face with those we are upset with, for instance when our car is blocked by a badly parked … Read more

Just the Funniest Doormats You’ll Ever See

Just the Funniest Doormats You’ll Ever See

The way you welcome your guests into your home can really leave a lasting impression. But these hilarious residents and home owners really thought above and beyond the doorway when they purchased and placed some of the most entertaining doormats on their doorstep.From hilarious lyric puns to passive-aggressive messages, these welcome mats will have you … Read more