Angel Numbers: Messages from the Universe – Girl and Her Moon

Angel Numbers: Messages from the Universe – Girl and Her Moon

Life is always guiding us, supporting us, and holding us with the deepest love – our job is to let ourselves receive. This guidance comes in many many forms, like Tarot, Astrology, experiences, people, music – but one of the easiest and quickest would have to be by numbers. We are surrounded by numbers constantly, … Read more

Lisbeth Salander – Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Tutorial

Lisbeth Salander – Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Tutorial

Lisbeth Salander – Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Tutorial: This version of Lisbeth Salander’s look is mostly based off the American/English film version but includes some elements of the Swedish version as well. This is just my interpretation of it- your imagination is limitless! See this Pinterest …#Lisbeth #Salander #Girl #Dragon #Tattoo #Tutorial