Guy Keeps Photoshopping Himself Into Celebrities’ Lives, And We Can’t Stop Laughing

Guy Keeps Photoshopping Himself Into Celebrities’ Lives, And We Can’t Stop Laughing

Most celebrities aren’t exactly known for hanging around with ‘average’ people, but for this guy, they make an exception. Meet Robert Van Impe, also known as Average Rob, a self-described ‘mediocre dude’ from Belgium who happens to be anything but mediocre at Photoshop.#Guy #Photoshopping #Celebrities #Lives #Stop #Laughing

The Secret Lives of Nurses: An Incredible Behind-the-Scenes…

The Secret Lives of Nurses: An Incredible Behind-the-Scenes…

We all know how important it is to keep our bodies safe and healthy. And, during those times when we need a little extra help in feeling well, we head to the doctor’s office or hospital to be looked after.And the real heroes behind the scenes of these life-changing or life-saving moments, are the doctors … Read more