Angel Numbers: Messages from the Universe – Girl and Her Moon

Angel Numbers: Messages from the Universe – Girl and Her Moon

Life is always guiding us, supporting us, and holding us with the deepest love – our job is to let ourselves receive. This guidance comes in many many forms, like Tarot, Astrology, experiences, people, music – but one of the easiest and quickest would have to be by numbers. We are surrounded by numbers constantly, … Read more

Hidden Messages in Disney And Pixar Movies We’ve Never Noticed

Hidden Messages in Disney And Pixar Movies We’ve Never Noticed

Disney and Pixar have produced countless masterpieces over the years. But it’s easy to get distracted by the cute jokes and beautiful animations, and miss the many subtle messages and symbols hidden in these movies. Once you discover them though, it adds a whole new layer to your favorite animated classics.#Hidden #Messages #Disney #Pixar #Movies … Read more

The Funniest Messages Left on Windshields of Terrible Parkers

The Funniest Messages Left on Windshields of Terrible Parkers

We’ve all had the urge to lash out about someone we think is terribly inconsiderate, whether we actually do it or let it slide for whatever reason.Sometimes, though, we don’t have an opportunity to come face to face with those we are upset with, for instance when our car is blocked by a badly parked … Read more