The Most Memorable and Iconic Moments in Late-Night Talk Show History

The Most Memorable and Iconic Moments in Late-Night Talk Show History

Did you know late-night talk shows have been a staple in American culture since the mid ‘50s? That’s right—for almost seventy years we’ve been watching the most famous stars in Hollywood sit down for interviews, guest star in comedy sketches, and wow us with musical performances.Over the years we’ve seen many amazing moments that were … Read more

These Perfectly Timed Sports Moments Are Sure to Make You Laugh

These Perfectly Timed Sports Moments Are Sure to Make You Laugh

When we think about our favorite pro athlete stars, the words that come to mind are usually inspirational, poised, and professional. But sometimes in sports, no matter how intense the game can get, things aren’t always so graceful and proficient – and these perfectly timed photos are the perfect example of that!What can we say? … Read more

Moments Where Someone Had Absolutely No Idea Who They Were Dealing With

Moments Where Someone Had Absolutely No Idea Who They Were Dealing With

Most of us using the Internet know of the one cardinal rule—think before you tweet. However, there are some who believe that they know better. From the guy who accused the Cowboys player for jumping on the bandwagon to the clueless person who called Natalie Portman a “stupid hipster” to Neil Patrick Harris himself not … Read more