Woman Learns Her Guardian Angel Tattoo Is Accidentally NSFW: ‘Can’t Un-See It Now’

Woman Learns Her Guardian Angel Tattoo Is Accidentally NSFW: ‘Can’t Un-See It Now’

Getting a tattoo is a significant decision that involves permanently adorning your body with a design or symbol. It requires careful consideration of the subject matter, design, and choice of artist to ensure a perfect tattoo. Unfortunately, there are instances where tattoos turn out very wrong. Miscommunication, poor design, inadequate research, and execution issues can … Read more

NSFW Ad Uses Naked Men As Props To See How Men Feel When Roles Are Flipped, But Not Everyone Think It’s Right

NSFW Ad Uses Naked Men As Props To See How Men Feel When Roles Are Flipped, But Not Everyone Think It’s Right

It’s the template of almost every men’s fashion ad ever to be published; a handsome, sharply-dressed man flouts about glamorous settings while a submissive, fully or nearly naked woman fawns over him. Suistudio, a women’s suit-making company, is turning this tired old trope over on its head with their latest ad campaign, fittingly titled Not … Read more