My Overview Of The Most Habitable Earth-Like Planets Discovered So Far

My Overview Of The Most Habitable Earth-Like Planets Discovered So Far

In 1995, astronomer/scientist Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz found the first discovered exoplanet. An exoplanet is a planet that is orbiting or is located outside our Solar system and could potentially pitch its own life. Today we’ll check out some of NASA’s top hits with Earth-like habitable exoplanets and see how they could hold life.#Overview … Read more

The Seven Alchemical Metals & Planets of the Week – Joe Dubs

The Seven Alchemical Metals & Planets of the Week – Joe Dubs

Ancient Mesopotamian astrologers devised a seven day week inspired by the heavenly bodies that wandered about the sky. There were seven in total. The equally sized flashlight and nightlight in the sky, the sun and moon, along with the other five wandering orbs of light thus form the basis of this alchemical cosmology. The word … Read more