Study of the Sampaguita Flower – The National Pride of Philippines

Study of the Sampaguita Flower – The National Pride of Philippines

Sampaguita, the national flower of Philippines, is grown in the tropics, mostly for its rich fragrance. Its complex chemical composition makes it a worthwhile option for medicinal and ornamental purposes. Here’s a detailed look at the prominent attributes and uses of this intoxicating flower.#Study #Sampaguita #Flower #National #Pride #Philippines

I Share My Personal Experiences As A Gay Man In My Pride Month Comic

I Share My Personal Experiences As A Gay Man In My Pride Month Comic

Hi everyone, I’m Doodlemancer and I enjoy telling stories. I usually draw light-hearted comics but today, I would like to share my personal struggles as a gay man for Pride Month. I’ve always been afraid to talk about my sexuality and that left me feeling isolated for years.#Share #Personal #Experiences #Gay #Man #Pride #Month #Comic