Circle Map showing the Anatomy of the Fibonacci Number and the Symmetrical Binary Code of Nature.

Circle Map showing the Anatomy of the Fibonacci Number and the Symmetrical Binary Code of Nature.

Numbers are not found in nature. Humans have created numbers in order to abstractly represent what we find. In nature, all things are individuals and together equal one whole individua…#Circle #Map #showing #Anatomy #Fibonacci #Number #Symmetrical #Binary #Code #Nature

Lockdown Lols: These Social Distancing Pros Are Showing Us How It’s Done

Lockdown Lols: These Social Distancing Pros Are Showing Us How It’s Done

Trying times like this can put a lot of pressure on each of us, so we shouldn’t be surprised that a lot of people around the globe are acting kind of strangely right now.We mustn’t judge them, especially while sitting at home in our Princess Jasmine outfits, singing along to the Aladdin soundtrack on repeat.We … Read more