What Harry Potter Taught Me About Love and Loss – Her View From Home

What Harry Potter Taught Me About Love and Loss – Her View From Home

In the months since my father died, I have heard the same question over and over again: “Are you really okay?” Most of the time it is a genuine question, although sometimes it is dutifully asked as a perfunctory exercise of social graces. Either way, my answer is always the same: “I’m really okay.” I … Read more

What Harry Potter Taught Me About Love and Loss – Her View From Home

What Harry Potter Taught Me About Love and Loss – Her View From Home

In the months since my father died, I have heard the same question over and over again: “Are you really okay?” Most of the time it is a genuine question, although sometimes it is dutifully asked as a perfunctory exercise of social graces. Either way, my answer is always the same: “I’m really okay.” I … Read more

Neighbor who blocked elderly man’s driveway gets taught a valuable lesson

Neighbor who blocked elderly man’s driveway gets taught a valuable lesson

Things would undoubtedly be a lot easier if we could choose who lived around us, but sadly that option isn’t available to most people. So, unless you want to be miserable every time you’re at home, it’s in your best interest to try and get along with your neighbors. Unless, of course, they have no … Read more