TO1 members on Twitter

TO1 members on Twitter

“[#경호] 🦖👼오늘은 날씨는 좋았지만 바깥공기를 거의 맡질 못해서😖 옛날사진으로 카페간척을 해보았어요!!☕😗☕ (제가 모자를 진짜 좋아하는데 저 청색벙거지는 찬이형이 준거랍니다~) #TOO #티오오 #KYUNGHO #기다려주세요 #TenOrientedOrchestra”#TO1 #members #Twitter

Person Wonders Why Nobody Asks Men What Their Favorite Flowers Are, So This Twitter User Did And Got

Person Wonders Why Nobody Asks Men What Their Favorite Flowers Are, So This Twitter User Did And Got

It’s no secret that a lot of women love flowers and they let their significant others know what flowers they love getting the most. But it’s not that common gifting flowers to men, so we don’t even know what flowers they like.#Person #Wonders #Asks #Men #Favorite #Flowers #Twitter #User

Jordan Peterson Shares Unsolicited Opinion About Plus-Size Cover Model On Twitter, Folks Are Having None Of It And Now He Has Quit Twitter

Jordan Peterson Shares Unsolicited Opinion About Plus-Size Cover Model On Twitter, Folks Are Having None Of It And Now He Has Quit Twitter

Jordan Peterson decided to quit Twitter after he was caught in a body-shaming scandal where he openly declared that the curve model on a recent Sports Illustrated cover is “not beautiful”.#Jordan #Peterson #Shares #Unsolicited #Opinion #PlusSize #Cover #Model #Twitter #Folks #Quit #Twitter