Woman Sick Of How Fake Everything On Instagram Is Reveals The Truth In The Most Epic Way

Woman Sick Of How Fake Everything On Instagram Is Reveals The Truth In The Most Epic Way

Instagram can be a wonderful and inspiring place, full of beautiful and artistic images of the places we want to see, and the people we want to be. However beneath the shiny veneer is a harsh reality. Many of these ‘perfect ‘images promote totally unrealistic ideals and expectations that can never be achieved, and only … Read more

Forearm tattoo on woman wearing jeans white top lion shoulder tattoo half lioness head with yellow eyes

Forearm tattoo on woman wearing jeans white top lion shoulder tattoo half lioness head with yellow eyes

Lions are a symbol of strength and royalty, so if you are wondering how to inspire and awaken your inner strength then a lion tattoo is just for you! – 42067#Forearm #tattoo #woman #wearing #jeans #white #top #lion #shoulder #tattoo #lioness #yellow #eyes