Circles in a Circle by Wassily Kandinsky Canvas Print | Zazzle

Circles in a Circle by Wassily Kandinsky Canvas Print | Zazzle

Media Type: Premium Wrapped Canvas (Gloss) Turn your cherished memories into a wonderful work of art with Zazzle’s premium Giclee wrapped canvas. Made from an additive-free cotton-poly blend archival paper, our instant-dry canvases make for long lasting, fade resistant prints. Using pigment-based inks (rather than dye-based inks), your photos and artwork will be printed at … Read more

Cardinal Poster | Zazzle

Cardinal Poster | Zazzle

Media: The Zazzle Perfect Poster (Glossy Finish) Just the right size, just the right price – the Zazzle Perfect Poster is exactly what’s needed to beautifully display art on bedroom, living room, or even home office walls without breaking the bank. Printed on quality glossy poster paper with never-before-seen technology, this is the first poster … Read more

Germany National Coat Of Arms Patriotic Sticker | Zazzle

Germany National Coat Of Arms Patriotic Sticker | Zazzle

Germany National Coat Of Arms Patriotic Sticker Germany National Coat Of Arms Patriotic Sticker with the depiction of the Germany Coat of Arms. Below the coat of arms is the inscription “Germany” done in beautiful “Aceserif” font and the black color. Inscription is on the bottom infused with the coat of arms but it is … Read more