Until We Meet Again, Grandpa. I love you. | A Goodbye Letter to my Grandpa Pettit

A note to you, heartbroken one: I’m guessing you’re here because you’ve lost your grandfather too. If so, I am so sorry for your loss. If you are looking for comfort as you grieve, the book Appointments With Heaven is by far the most comforting book regarding death and the veil between Earth and Heaven that I have ever read. I believe this book can bring you comfort and help ease your pain as you cope with the death of a loved one. My prayers are with you. xoxo, Laura Today, we say our Earthly goodbyes to one of the most incredible men I have ever met in my entire life. My family is grieving the loss of my grandfather; we feel the empty void very clearly. The head of the family is no longer here with us, and we feel his absence sharply. But we know that he is
#Meet #Grandpa #love #Goodbye #Letter #Grandpa #Pettit

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